
Building a Sustainable Future

What is a Sustainable Home?

What is a Sustainable Home?

In the leading edge of the home building industry there are many terms for high-performance homes. Terms such as green homes, net zero homes, passive house, and sustainable homes come up often. Sometimes it can be difficult to know the difference, or what each term...

Why Should I Have an HRV/ERV?

 Importance of What We Breathe The pandemic changed the way we think about many things. One important change is that it forced us to think of the importance of consistent air exchange in our buildings. We focused on air changes and bringing fresh air into closed...

Too Hot? Ice Dam!

Too Hot? Ice Dam!

We’ve written an article that’s guaranteed to either a) help inform you a little better about the issue of ice damming, or b) get a song stuck in your head. Hope you enjoy it either way!

Why Should I Build a “Sustainable” Home?

Imagine this. The year is 168,000 BC. You've just returned from a successful deer hunt. You're sitting around the fire with a handful of berries trying to stay warm. The nights are getting cooler again for some odd reason. You see your crazy neighbour Gorg rubbing a...

Why Do We Say We Are “Truly Custom”?

Why Do We Say We Are “Truly Custom”?

Our favourite compliment we've ever heard on one of our builds was from our siding guy. He said "this house looks just like the home owner!". We were thrilled to hear that because as a custom home builder, our goal is to make sure you shine through the walls of your...

The Importance of Honesty

The Importance of Honesty

"I didn't punch him or hit him" is a line I'm hearing more and more. I parent an awesome 3 year old and a fantastic one year old. Jaxon is starting to get into Henry's hair a little more often lately. Suddenly he's no longer the perfect little brother, and he's...

Benefits of Relational Home Building

I'm sure you've heard the stories before. The ones about subcontractors not getting paid, or work being done unsatisfactorily. You maybe have heard about people bragging how they took advantage of a subcontractor. Unfortunately these conversations are not uncommon in...

Before it gets Better

Do you ever tackle a home project that's a bit too big? Here's a glimpse into my newest learning experience! Gina and I heard from a few neighbours that our nice back yard had a big standing water problem in spring. We also noticed our yard had a nice slope... to the...

Designing Your Best Home

Designing Your Best Home

How can Dueck Builders help to design  and built the home that is best for you? The design / build journey can be a confusing one. There are so many choices and no clear-cut answer to questions such as: what is the best siding, or flooring, or window option. All these...

And now for something completely different…

Seven years ago I drove a 2006 Mustang (that I was about to crash and then trade for a truck). I didn't own a house, I was living at home at that point. I had no idea that in one short month True North Sports and Entertainment (TNSE) would make a city changing...

Why Do We Do What We Do? (Cal Episode)

Building "green"  for me has to do with integrity. I believe that as creatures on this planet we are all related to, and affect, all other aspects of our world. The butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world may have helped shape a hurricane in another part...

Are Solar Panels Feasible for You?

Good morning friends! During our Ask the Author feature, we got this question posted on our blog. “I’m interested in putting up solar panels, but I live in a century home and I’m not sure if my roof can handle the weight of them. I have 10″ roof boards on the roof...

Ask the Author

Ask the Author

Good morning all! Today I have run out of productive ideas of things to write about. So I'm doing what any good blogger would do, and am throwing it back to our followers. If you have any pressing questions on building, renovating, or otherwise improving your house...



What is in a word, a blog post, an ad, a picture that hooks the viewer? How do communication mediums like songs, writings, or pictures communicate so intimately with diverse people groups? What is it that captivates? Moreover, why is a builder writing about...

Why Do We Do What We Do? (Josh Episode)

Good morning friends! Today we're going to get into a short blurb explaining to you why we do what we do. Why Dueck Builders tries to push sustainability through transparent contracts and cost-plus building. First let's tackle why we do cost-plus building. For me this...

Renovation tips

Good afternoon friends. Well we're one month into our renovation in Charleswood. A lot has changed in the house! We're waiting on bated breath for the painting stage to make us look closer to done. It's a fun project but can be stressful. Here's a few reasons why:...