The Shocking Danger of New Homes

Finally, the build is done, the curtains are hung, the furniture is assembled and you’re moving in! It is an exciting day for the whole family! You open the door and are greeted with that fabulous new home smell. Nothing quite like it. But have you considered...

“Summer”izing Your Home

Good morning! A few months back (feels like years since winter started!) we did a little blog post on winterizing your home. It got a whole bunch of views so we decided let’s do one now to prepare for summer! So for those of you who are as optimistic as I am...

High-tech, Affordable Radon Detection

Hi Friends! Today we’re going to go over a little product that I’m very happy I bought. Recently I purchased the Airthings Wave to monitor the radon levels in my own house. I will assure you this is one of the best things I’ve invested in. When you...